Acupuncture has been used as an effective treatment for headaches since the earliest beginnings of TCM. With almost no side effects, it is one of the safest and most effective ways to combat headaches even in severe cases.
Acupuncture is not only effective for migraines, but also works very well with tension headaches, cluster headaches, post-traumatic headaches, and disease-related headaches that might be due to sinus problems, high blood pressure or sleeping disorders.
The greatest advantage of acupuncture over Western medicine is that it does virtually no harm. Some medications can have serious side effects and can (in some instances) actually lead to patients experiencing a "rebound" headache. Unlike synthetic drugs, acupuncture has virtually no side effects.
Cluster Headaches
Tension headaches
Post Traumatic headache
Disease related headache
Sinus and allergy related
Hormone related headache
If you are struggling with migraines or headaches and would like to see if 4 Paths can help, give us a call at 402-515-2412 and schedule your new patient consult. Mention this post and get a free consult!
4 Paths Acupuncture
Omaha, NE